Edit banner - Enterprise 1. Go to the menu item "Banner" under "Marketing": 2. To edit the banner, click on "Edit" or click on the name of the banner. With the green button with the plus you can create a new banner: 3. You ca... Marketing & Actions 🛠️ Shopversion: Enterprise
Create product discount - Enterprise 1. Click on the menu item "Marketing" and then click on "Promotions". Here you can also edit existing promotions. With the status, promotions can also be deactivated and reactivated later: 2. Under Ge... Marketing & Actions 🛠️ Shopversion: Enterprise
Create shopping cart discount - Enterprise 1. Go to "Promotions" under "Marketing". Click on the green button with the plus sign and select "Add shopping basket promotion". You can also edit existing promotions here: 2. Enter a title and speci... Marketing & Actions 🛠️ Shopversion: Enterprise